20 GIUGNO 2001

L'intervento di "italiani Liberi"

ida Magli

Ringrazio gli organizzatori del Convegno di avermi invitato e di avermi permesso di fare presente a tutti voi il punto di vista di Italiani Liberi sulla situazione. Io rappresento un paese, l'Italia, dove è assolutamente vietato pensare e dire qualsiasi cosa negativa contro l'Unione Europea. Ed è per questo che forse mi rendo conto meglio di altri antieuropeisti della assoluta volontà dei governanti di realizzare l'Impero europeo a qualsiasi costo, sopra gli interessi dei popoli, contro gli interessi dei popoli. E' con l'intensità di sentimenti di chi è stato già posto "al confino", di chi viene etichettato sulla stampa come "antieuropeista" per suscitare un giudizio negativo nei suoi confronti, che io vi rivolgo un forte, drammatico appello. Dobbiamo prendere atto degli scarsi risultati raggiunti, malgrado la buona volontà di tutti i movimenti antieuropeisti. I governanti vanno, e andranno avanti comunque: come stanno facendo fin dalla firma del Trattato di Maastricht e come ha ribadito il presidente della Commissione, Romano Prodi (un italiano purtroppo) davanti al risultato del referendum irlandese, perché è il progetto stesso dell'Unione Europea che è nato con l'intenzione di schiacciare l'identità e la volontà dei popoli.
E' necessario uscire dalla catacomba di Internet; costringere i mezzi di comunicazione: radio, televisione, stampa, a parlare dell'antieuropeismo decidendo un'azione forte, concreta, visibile, immediata. Questa azione è la richiesta ai governi di tutti i paesi dell'Unione di non passare all'euro concreto, di sospendere la rinuncia alle monete nazionali. Perché questo è il punto: quando si sarà unificata la moneta, niente più servirà a riprenderci la nostra libertà.
Dobbiamo convincerci che se i governanti hanno scelto di partire dal mercato e dalla moneta è proprio perché sanno bene che tutto il resto non conta. Essi sono astuti e cinici altrimenti non avrebbero neanche ideato un così smisurato progetto di annientamento dei popoli. Blocchiamoli sul loro terreno. L'Unione Europea è stata già bocciata dai mercati. L'euro ha perso circa il trenta per cento del suo valore in appena un anno e mezzo dalla sua nascita. Tutte le borse europee sono in perdita. Sono in perdita anche le esportazioni, che invece avrebbero dovuto avvantaggiarsi della debolezza della moneta. Noi affermiamo che è l'Unione Europea stessa che provoca la svalutazione e il calo dell'economia. Pretendiamo che si verifichi tale ipotesi con la sospensione del passaggio all'euro fisico. In quanto lavoratori, in quanto consumatori, noi chiediamo ai governanti, agli industriali, ai sindacati che difendano il potere d'acquisto dei nostri redditi. Se non prendono posizione nei confronti dell'euro, allora dobbiamo considerarli complici di chi lavora contro di noi e difenderci in prima persona. Certamente lo faremo senza lanciare pietre, ma organizzando scioperi contro l'euro, manifestazioni visibili con dei delegati nelle piazze sedi di Governi importanti nell'Unione, come Roma, Parigi, Berlino.
Vi ringrazio

Ida Magli
Presidente Italiani Liberi







Gothenburg EU-Counter Summit June 2001


I am grateful to the organising committee for the opportunity given us to bring the voice of Free Italians* to the European Futures Congress (VII) in Gothenburg.
I represent a country, Italy, where no thoughts, no opinions against the EU are allowed. Maybe that's why I am so acutely aware of our rulers' utter determination to succeed in creating a European Empire at any cost, above and beyond the interests of the people.

Being someone who has already been cast out, labeled in the press as an "anti-European" so as to arouse  negative feelings towards me, I wish to address my appeal to you in strong, dramatic terms.
We must take stock of what tiny results our efforts have produced, despite the hard work of all the anti-European movements. Our rulers go ahead anyway, and will keep going, like they have been doing ever since they signed the Maastricht Treaty. The President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, (an Italian, unfortunately) has confirmed this, although confronted with the results of the Irish referendum.
Because the EU-project itself was conceived with the intention of trampling on the identity and the wishes of the people.
We must make up our minds to abandon our catacombs on the Internet and force the media: radio, television and the press, to write about the anti-European movements. We need to take forceful, visible, concrete and immediate steps. Actions addressed to the governments of all the countries of the European Union, asking them not to convert to the Euro currency and not to give up our national currencies. Because once the currency is unified, nothing ever will give us back our freedom.
We must realize that our governments chose to start from the market and our currency because they knew that everything else counts for nothing. They are clever and cynical. If they weren't they would never have thought up  this tremendous project of destroying national identities, the peoples themselves.
Let us stop them on their own turf.
The European Union has already been rejected by the markets. In a little over a year and a half since its birth, the Euro has already lost about thirty percent of its value. All the European Stock Exchanges are losing. Even exportations are going down, although with such a weak currency they should have received a boost.
We say that it is the European Union itself that is causing this devaluation and the shrinkage of the economy. And we demand that our theory be verified by suspending the issuing of the actual Euro bills and coins. As workers and as consumers, we ask our governments, manufacturers and trade unions to protect the value of our salaries. If they don't take a stance against the Euro then we must consider them a party to those working against us and defend ourselves personally. Of course, we will do this without throwing stones but by organising
strikes against the Euro, visible demonstrations with representatives in front of the most important government buildings in Rome, Paris and Berlin.

Thank you,

Ida Magli
President Of "Free Italians"

*Italiani Liberi

Salita inferiore Sant'Anna 19a - 16125 Genova. info@italianiliberi.it


PRESS RELEASE – 19.6.2001 for immediate publishing

Ulla Klötzer – coordinator of the European Futures Congresses, board member of the European Anti-Maastricht Alliance TEAM, chair of Alternative to EU, Finland



In the media all around Europe pictures of extreme violence have been shown during the last days from the counter meetings and demonstrations during the EU Summit. Opponents of the EU and of the globalisation process have been shown as stone throwers, communists, fascists and trouble makers.

The fact is that amongst more than 100 000 persons participating in the Gothenburg events, only a hundred trouble makers succeeded in turning professors from well known universities all around Europe, representatives of serious third world NGO:s and representatives of EU and globalisation critical organisations representing the whole political scenery from right to left, into extreme radicals breaking windows and throwing stones at the police.

University professors, members of the European Parliament and members of EU-critical organisations took part in the European Futures Congress, initiated by Alternative to EU in Finland and know meeting for the 7th time. Half of the participants from 20 countries, representing the Balkans, the Baltic states, Eastern and Western Europe, were young students. These persons took part in different seminars and meetings where the situation and future of Europe and the world was seriously discussed from the view of normal citizens for almost a week. The atmosphere was intense, the concern was very deep but the spirit was positive and constructive.

The undersigner had the possibility to participate in some 20 different events both as a speaker and as a listener. In all forums the need for an open dialogue and for activating the political engagement was stressed. All forums condemned violence as a means to achieve these goals.

This positive atmosphere was, however, broken, especially when it comes to the young participants, by the way the Swedish police treated them and the whole event. Twice, young people where evacuated from the school floors where they were supposed to sleep. Twice, the European Futures Congress had to change the venue half an hour before the congress was supposed to begin.

Some participants and lecturers never found the new meeting places. The young people saw how quite "normal" youngsters with whom they had been sharing floor accommodation the night before, the night between Saturday and Sunday, were driven by machine guns out to the school front yard and had to lay down with their faces to the ground and hands behind their necks in pouring rain for more than half an hour. Every time somebody raised their head or wanted to change the positions of their hands they were hit wherever the truncheon happened to land. Everybody was

shouted at in a language that it is not proper to print in a newspaper. The most insulting comment came from the Chief of police Hakon Jaldung, who excused the violent action by the stress and the hurry but told the press that the youngsters could blame themselves since they had chosen to share the floors with possible terrorists. The young students attending the European Futures Congress felt extremely insulted and in the final debate on Sunday afternoon the disappointment in democracy, in a fair and peaceful debate between ordinary people, NGO:s and the politicians was extremely deep – hopefully though still repairable.

A sad fact is that this happened in Sweden, the cradle of nordic democracy, in a country which recently has been accusing the Israelis for using hard weapons against stone throwing young Palestinians. The Swedish government – which must be see n as responsible for what happened in Gothenburg – changed its mind overnight. Overnight hundreds of thousands of young and other believers in democracy lost their faith in the political system and in the capacity of our governments to listen to their citizens.

At all the seminars and conferences during the whole week everybody wondered where the media was? Why did they not show any interest in reporting about the concerns and constructive suggestions for changes from normal citizens and respectable NGO:s? Where is the role of the media to function as a supplier of severe messages from the people to the politicians whom they nowadays can meet only through the television or the newspapers or through the windows of fast driving limousines?

A dangerous gap has been built up between the people and the political elite. If that gap cannot be filled by anything else than stones and machine guns our societies are on the edge of a civil war and the peace keeping forces of the European Union can be used to keep up peace between the citizens.

Are these the values the Nordic countries wanted to bring along when joining the European Union? Other values the Nordic governments have not up till now been able to present in the EU policy making.